Albinario Wins 2023 Bank Pool World Championship

It was Short Rack Banks for the first time ever in a world championshiop and Albinario prevailed over Cobra. The final was tightly contested with the underdog Alinario getting out to an early lead. Cobra came back eventually falling 8-6 in the final match. Cobra had destroyed Albinario earlier in the event 6-0 to send him to the losers bracket. Albinario fresh off his stunning defeat in the Snooker World Championship brought it to this match. He played extremely well making many spectacular banks to get the win. Cobra did not get rhythm till later in the match and it was too little too later. See the Final Results!

The VP4 community has not traditionally played much bank pool and early on there were some grumbling about the game. But as the tournament progressed and players started learning more about the game, the level of play went up and players started enjoying the matches.

Albinario is now the all time leader in World Championships with 10.

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Category: Tournaments

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