Time for a Straight Pool World Championship

Straight Pool is one of the oldest and most basic games but very challenging. Also called "14:1 Continuous" because one ball is left on the table and the other 14 racked so the player can pocket the ball, break the rack and continue their run. This game has 33legends from a time before most of us, Willie Mosconi, Ralph Greenleaf, Irfving Crane, Luther Lassiter, to name a few.

 We are using Normal sized pockets and expect to see some big runs in this tournament. 

This is a Non Real Time Tournament (NRT). Make sure you understand how that is played by viewing the tutorial.Note you can play as soon as you have an opponent enabling the tournament to move along quickly. 

Fines for quitting matches early, especially at match end. So behave, be a good sport, and stay till the match is complete.

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