World Championship Snooker 2019

It's 2019, a nice year for Virtual Pool 4's second World Championship Snooker! Bring your best game because up to 64 of the best players will cross cues at Loch Lomond to battle for the title "VP4 World Champion Snooker 2019".

Winner side: race to 5. Loser side: race to 3. Grand Finale: race to 7.

This is a Non-Realtime Tournament. Players must schedule their matches themselves. Watch this instruction video for an explanation how NRT works.

UPDATE April 19th, 2019
Thanks to all players who made this event a success!
Albinario beat vincez in a great final, score: 7-6. Besides earning eternal fame, Albinario won V$ 2,630 prize money. Runner-up vincez adds V$ 1,315 to his purse.

Category: Tournaments

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