Welcome to the Virtual Pool Online Blog

This blog is for sharing knowledge about Virtual Pool and real life pool. There will be some other subjects but this is primarily a pool blog, and by pool that includes snooker, billiards, and pub pool too. I, Steve Chaplin, am the administrator of this blog and the primary blogger. There will be guest bloggers and we have some nice ones lined up, including some pro players and others very knowledgeable about VP and real pool.

I'm hoping to share about VP and RL (real life) pool and I hope that information can improve your game, and/or provide some reading enjoyment. I'm also hoping to learn from you in the community. I have been impressed with the community feedback on VP and RL pool. So let's have some fun and share our pool knowledge.

I appreciate and encourage your participation in discussing posted blogs. Dissenting opinions are welcome but please be courteous to bloggers and others making comments.

I will also post about computer programming or other topics not pool related, but that is more of a sideline. Blogs posts are in selectable categories, so you can filter the chaff that does not interest you.

Steve Chaplin

Virtual Pool 4 Online


Super Admin
Category: General

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